Thursday, April 05, 2007 @ 6:13 pm
haiz... today late for school again... no choice... not feeling quite well in the morning... went to school late and i decided not to attend PE... maybe because i really dun look quite well therefore Mr Tan really let me off... ended up, i helped Mr Tan to record the timings of my classmates' shuttle run... phew ! luckily i din not wear my PE t-shirt... if i really go for PE, i think i will suffer more than this... when recording, i feel that i am actually the worse runner in class... do you know, to pass i need to get 12 seconds ? i think so... haiz... i failed my nafa every single year... expect during primary school when i got bronze haha... ya not only this i also recorded their push-up... the girls ones was alright but the boys ones my god they are simply hilarious... i remembered that gao hui er was the first to hit the high record... 11 times pull-up not inclined de !!! next was cheuk man... they keep telling him one more, one more haha.. at last he did 11 too... annaz did also very well i remember i think he did 10... weilin did 7... haha wondering how my brothers done ? they all got an egg... work harder man brothers... as for qiuqian's husband, he also got an egg... try your best next time ! at least do 1 ma... ya as for me i think i need to do all this next week... luckily hui ping is absent... someone to pei me but hor she is so fast de lor... nvm... haha huimin haven done her inclined pull-up yet she can also pei me... so lucky of me... wahahaha... ya today after PE is krishnan lesson three periods lei... i have a bad headache so i lie my head on the table... ya forgot to tell you man... when i was late this morning, he said i went to far east... so embrassing lor as you konw he has a lion roar like voice... then in the class, he say i exercise too much last night... what the hell... spoilt my image and say that i am not innocent which i think mean i am evil... also say i am like baby and also childish... i slept through the english lesson... i did not realised tha t i slept so long... when i woke up i expect krishnan to be at the first few lines of the summary but actually he finished all the points and it was 10am ler... 25 minutes to recess... i did not went down for recess asked hong wei to buy sandwiches and fruits for me... it was simply delicious... at first i felt better but my head is aching again... no choice i decided to go home... do you know this is my first time going home in the middle of the school hours ! qiuqian helped me to call and sms krishnan about this... so thankful to her... she and joleyn sent me down to the general office and we met Miss Neo... she joked about me not wanting to attend her lesson... she even help me witness me calling mummy... i called mummy onced so she ask me why i call again i told her the truth sbout Miss Neo want to see me call in person... they laughed... haha... sick i'm still as humourous... the relief teacher dunno wat's her name but she is a very nice teacher... reached home about 11 plus i think i also dunno... i sleep till 2 plus and have lunch after which, sleep again.. till 5 plus reaching 6 then wake up... my aunties came to my house but because of my headache, cannot entertain them... so sorry about that... luckily got mummy she is on leave today... ya today is Taslimah birthday !!! although you cannot see this but i still want to post this.... i smsed Taslimah... wonder if she can see my message ? Happy Birthday To You !!! You are my best friend forever !!! I really missed you....
The Girl
Name: DiNo.yEeLiNg
A Girl
Age: 18+
Birthday: 11th December
Born in the Year of Horse :D
Can be very quiet at times,
Can be very noisy also :D
Rather anti-social
Currently studying in
Nanyang Polytechnic
Studied in:
Naval Base Primary School
North Spring Primary School
Nan Chiau High School
?Darlings & Honey
Winnie The Pooh
Chip & Dale
Pets Society
Boo Boo
Movies [Comedy, Romance, Lifestory, Touching...]
Dramas[Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore...]
Zhang Dong Liang Nicholas
Fahrenheit-Calvin Chen
Alien Huang Hong Sheng
aka Xiao Gui
Hmm... dunno ler...
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Designer & Basecodes : Fangmin
Inspirations : Amelia
Cursor : Lovelycore
Graphics : Angelicreations
Amendments By ME :D