Thursday, July 31, 2008 @ 9:05 pm
yoyo... here for a super short post... just wanna say I no longer hate of dislike anyone... thus hence therefore, I feel relived liao... anyway todae got back my Accounting for Assets ICA2 result... 30/30... ^^ teacher put v.good there... haiz i never take a photo la !!!!!!!!!! argh... angry wif myself... !!!!!!!!!!!! anyway very good mood about it !!!!! ok la got econs tut and oral comm cue cards to do and sharepoint contact us page la la la !!! Busy... byee... Tuesday, July 29, 2008 @ 9:10 pm
haha... these ramdom photos... todae i eat japanese food in school again... wif weiling... ya now gtg liao... lazy to type things... haiz... byee... ^^ @ 12:25 am
I very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very Bored la... actually is got homework to do de lei.. but realli dun feel like doing them... hahaha... btw, todae just failed my statistics test... 19/40... nothing more i can say la... but i'm not sad la... i feel that i really tried my best liao... anyway my classmate Cheok Hong sooo funny la... he got 1 mark then say want transfer to me so that i can pass... wahahahaha... so funny... but anyway funniest thing is tat my friend Amanda got 39/40 then so funny when the boys ask her:" Hey Amanda what is your O levels L1 R4 ar ?!" haha... she did not answer to the question la... then they ask:" then what is your PSLE score ar ?!" haha even funnier la... think due to our personal homepage de thingy thus they will ask about PSLE... hahaha... ok la todae i actually not feeling very happy lei... i think i know why but I DUN WANNA FEEL UNHAPPY BECAUSE OF THIS !!! so i chosed to tao bi xian shi lor... noticed that as i grow older, i choose not to face the bad news.. haiz... old liao... There is no beginning or end... Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. nice one la... haha... an email from qianying... Friends for life... to all My friends !!! I love all of you !!!! Also I love my family, my pooh bear bear, dinos, piggy etc etc la... BUT all in all Happy National Friendship Day(week) !!!!! This tells me that miracles exists... hope it will motivate everyone !!! YA ALL OF MY DEAREST AND HONEY !!! MUST JIAYOU FOR OUR UPCOMING EXAMS !!! Good Luck !!! ^^ Monday, July 28, 2008 @ 12:05 am
todae Sunday... i woke up at 12 plus... because i slept at 4.55am ytd... anyway, i swept the floor todae... hahaha... guai girl... then went to ah ma's house just now... ate my favourite food again... haha... happie... anyway i also ezt durians todae... all good ones till very... FULL la... okok... ya yesterday went to AMK hub... and i went to OCBC bank... so boring there la... drank coke there... haha... onli slip a few mouths... i dun realli like coke w/o ice la... haha... then went G2000 look see look see... exp so never buy any blouse... and went to Ichiban... haha... nice la the food... but quite exp to me... but... worth la... filling... ya then i went subway but 3 footlong bread for ah gong... BUT he never eat at all la !!! disappointed... haha... ytd slept at ah ma's house... no afternoon nap for months liao la... always got attracted by TV... after that 7pm le i went to chomp chomp there de NTUC shop... never buy anything la... and go to chomp chomp lor... haha buy 14 chicken wings... waited for very very long la... but... worth the wait... nicee... then we went to Watsons... shopped a while and went 7-11... buy green tea... went back le then share the chicken wings... ah gong so cutee la... ask daddy why just now when he eat no chicken wings de... then daddy say is we just bought back de... hahaha... I loveee him la... always so cute... okok really bored... lazy to study lalalala... i just wanna slack... slack... slack... just for a few days... ^^ Thursday, July 24, 2008 @ 12:52 pm
todae i come home straight after school ^^ why ? haha... i miss my pooh bear bear sia... hahaha... no la... i at first wanna eat fillet-O-fish de but... i broke liao... thus, cannot buy McDonalds todae... i need save money for today's teabreak and tomolo's lunch... anyway, regretted buying that yogurt ice-cream !!! i wan oreo lor !!! not berry de or plain !!!!!!!!!!! argh !!!! and i sooooo unlucky la !!! todae go sch tat time the 86 just zoom pass me when i'm opposite the road !!! and todae after school i on the overhead bridge halfway i saw 86 la !!! AGAIN ZOOM pass... nothing i can say except i unlucky lor... haiz... now hungry la... i wan eat maggie mee lei... but no eggs at home le !!! should i go and buy ? heehee... my maggie mee chilli refilled liao... all thanks to xiao ah yi !!! i love it la... @_@ ya todae i was late for 45 mins... but hai hao la... not too bad... last week late more than 1 hour sia... tomolo got econs presentation... i do the cue cards ytd... miracle for me la... no last minute work... i really got lots things i want to work out... but... haiz... ya ytd took lots photo wif my pooh bear bear... haha... he soooo cute la... Tuesday, July 22, 2008 @ 2:22 pm
this is a video of Milk concert at my school... anyway, todae finally finished my POM de presentation... and now i need prepare for the econs de la... boring... next friday, oral comm de... sian... anyway, i really busy... haiz... bb Monday, July 21, 2008 @ 9:51 pm
I'm plunged with a few aliments... toothache first then now stomach cramp... haiz... ya and troubles... haiz... anyway today presented my personal homepage... lucky draw draw till today lor... but good la i clear today !!! hahaha... ya today went Milk Ye Nai Wen de school concert... I can only say he very fair... but he dances very well la... upload videos some other time... really lazy now... ya today realli... i cannot stand fake people !!! i suspect there is 2 sides of one coin... thus it applies to human as well... dun wish to say further... something words cannot explain... anyway todae JoAn's friend whom i never met before give me bread... funny rite... she want thank me for helping JoAn... haha... ok la must see my screenshot lei... i spent a few days doing it de... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sunday, July 20, 2008 @ 9:51 pm
since friday I toothache la... haiz... anyway yesterday i finally buy the beanie pooh bear !!! a tote bag, file, notebook and a blouse for myself ^^ i really love this pooh bear very long liao... at first wanna buy 3 de but yiting dun let la... at last buy one only... haiz... Thursday, July 17, 2008 @ 11:26 pm
haiz... todae i burnt my hand la... i play lighter then the lighter burnt my hand... imagine the lighter below my hand less than 5cm and 180 degree burn my hand !!! strong fire !!! yaya !!! my mouse spoilt la... need go buy a new de ^^ ok todae realli busy... doing my econs tut and tomolo's presentation... haha... byee... Wednesday, July 16, 2008 @ 10:03 pm
i'm tired... physically... guess i am lacking sleep !!! i really need some sleep !!! ya KFC de shimp nuggets very very nicee... todae went to KFC after my project to eat with weiling... i ate a fish ole student meal plus the shimp nuggets... and that weiling ar haiz... she eat a cheese meltz student meal and one piece chicken the potato changed to fries and buy a 1 dollar cheese... and as expected by me... weiling waste food again !!! me eat up everything ok... ya todae do econs project... my scenarios not used la... i wasted my time doing it... T_T anyway tomolo wanna meet jol de la... but tomolo got project meeting !!! so cannot la... haiz..... i'm realli realli very tired !!! i just wan 8 hours of sleep la !!! ok la really got lots of things to rush... my NDP pictures i shall upload soon... Tuesday, July 15, 2008 @ 9:09 pm
todae i jus wanna upload some photos on NDP... haha... and the fireworks video that i took !!! haha... nice la... the colours especially... ya after the fireworks video i will upload photos later maybe tomorrow... now i'm really very very busy later... i need to watch TV, bathe and do my tutorial... haiz... Monday, July 14, 2008 @ 6:27 pm
haha... now I'm in good mood... because I just shared a McWing Meal with daniel... tell u all ar McWing is sooo niceee to eat lei... simply love it... hehe... another thing is I just finished my ICA2... for accounts... so that means no tests for now... BUT... todae just before i have my accounts ICA, i heard some things which really made me very very ANGRY... I repeat myself... I HATE TO BE ACCUSED !!!!!! anyway not really accused la is like i really hate this PERSON la !!! i ben lai jiu bu shi hen xi huan ta de ren ge liao... todae I am affirmed that i am right to dislike her... wahahaha... ok la todae real motive for blogging is for thursday and friday... i am lazy and tired to type full details... ok thursday went jol's hse to surprise but... she bathing so weipin and me gained a few years old as a result... by blowing off the candles thrice ? haha... and then it was considered successful la... we bought a Sweensens Cookie And Creme Ice-cream cake... heehee... a little sick of chocolate cake liao... most importantly, we forgot to take a picture of the cake... so funny la... after eating the cake we went E! hub... there very cold and quiet.... ok la there got food and bolling alley, arcade... we ate the the food from an hongkong cafe and then went arcade... we play the music de drum till very addicted... wahahaha okok now to friday... a combined celebration with hoong chun... we meet at around 6pm at CP and went to eat... went ajisan... to eat... i ordered kids meal... hahaha... my aeroplane meal !!! then after that cut cake and then took 119 home !!! so happy lor... finally found a bus from compass goes to my block there de bus-stop... ok that's the end of my words... pictures time.... haha... now I'm in good mood... because I just shared a McWing Meal with daniel... tell u all ar McWing is sooo niceee to eat lei... simply love it... hehe... another thing is I just finished my ICA2... for accounts... so that means no tests for now... BUT... todae just before i have my accounts ICA, i heard some things which really made me very very ANGRY... I repeat myself... I HATE TO BE ACCUSED !!!!!! anyway not really accused la is like i really hate this PERSON la !!! i ben lai jiu bu shi hen xi huan ta de ren ge liao... todae I am affirmed that i am right to dislike her... wahahaha... ok la todae real motive for blogging is for thursday and friday... i am lazy and tired to type full details... ok thursday went jol's hse to surprise but... she bathing so weipin and me gained a few years old as a result... by blowing off the candles thrice ? haha... and then it was considered successful la... we bought a Sweensens Cookie And Creme Ice-cream cake... heehee... a little sick of chocolate cake liao... most importantly, we forgot to take a picture of the cake... so funny la... after eating the cake we went E! hub... there very cold and quiet.... ok la there got food and bolling alley, arcade... we ate the the food from an hongkong cafe and then went arcade... we play the music de drum till very addicted... wahahaha okok now to friday... a combined celebration with hoong chun... we meet at around 6pm at CP and went to eat... went ajisan... to eat... i ordered kids meal... hahaha... my aeroplane meal !!! then after that cut cake and then took 119 home !!! so happy lor... finally found a bus from compass goes to my block there de bus-stop... ok that's the end of my words... pictures time.... haha... now I'm in good mood... because I just shared a McWing Meal with daniel... tell u all ar McWing is sooo niceee to eat lei... simply love it... hehe... another thing is I just finished my ICA2... for accounts... so that means no tests for now... BUT... todae just before i have my accounts ICA, i heard some things which really made me very very ANGRY... I repeat myself... I HATE TO BE ACCUSED !!!!!! anyway not really accused la is like i really hate this PERSON la !!! i ben lai jiu bu shi hen xi huan ta de ren ge liao... todae I am affirmed that i am right to dislike her... wahahaha... ok la todae real motive for blogging is for thursday and friday... i am lazy and tired to type full details... ok thursday went jol's hse to surprise but... she bathing so weipin and me gained a few years old as a result... by blowing off the candles thrice ? haha... and then it was considered successful la... we bought a Sweensens Cookie And Creme Ice-cream cake... heehee... a little sick of chocolate cake liao... most importantly, we forgot to take a picture of the cake... so funny la... after eating the cake we went E! hub... there very cold and quiet.... ok la there got food and bolling alley, arcade... we ate the the food from an hongkong cafe and then went arcade... we play the music de drum till very addicted... wahahaha okok now to friday... a combined celebration with hoong chun... we meet at around 6pm at CP and went to eat... went ajisan... to eat... i ordered kids meal... hahaha... my aeroplane meal !!! then after that cut cake and then took 119 home !!! so happy lor... finally found a bus from compass goes to my block there de bus-stop... ok that's the end of my words... pictures time....haha... now I'm in good mood... because I just shared a McWing Meal with daniel... tell u all ar McWing is sooo niceee to eat lei... simply love it... hehe... another thing is I just finished my ICA2... for accounts... so that means no tests for now... BUT... todae just before i have my accounts ICA, i heard some things which really made me very very ANGRY... I repeat myself... I HATE TO BE ACCUSED !!!!!! anyway not really accused la is like i really hate this PERSON la !!! i ben lai jiu bu shi hen xi huan ta de ren ge liao... todae I am affirmed that i am right to dislike her... wahahaha... ok la todae real motive for blogging is for thursday and friday... i am lazy and tired to type full details... ok thursday went jol's hse to surprise but... she bathing so weipin and me gained a few years old as a result... by blowing off the candles thrice ? haha... and then it was considered successful la... we bought a Sweensens Cookie And Creme Ice-cream cake... heehee... a little sick of chocolate cake liao... most importantly, we forgot to take a picture of the cake... so funny la... after eating the cake we went E! hub... there very cold and quiet.... ok la there got food and bolling alley, arcade... we ate the the food from an hongkong cafe and then went arcade... we play the music de drum till very addicted... wahahaha okok now to friday... a combined celebration with hoong chun... we meet at around 6pm at CP and went to eat... went ajisan... to eat... i ordered kids meal... hahaha... my aeroplane meal !!! then after that cut cake and then took 119 home !!! so happy lor... finally found a bus from compass goes to my block there de bus-stop... ok that's the end of my words... pictures time.... Friday, July 11, 2008 @ 11:49 pm
I'm in a foul mood... shall blog about yesterday and today when i'm feeling better.... feeling very frustrated now !!! argh.... Monday, July 07, 2008 @ 8:54 pm
today, drag myself to wake uo in the morning and rushed to school... why ? because i cannot afford to be late today my stats test stat on the dot as onli have 1 period... so exactly 50mins... the problem now is... I FLUNKED THE TEST !!!!! i am super duper sad la... ytd i 2am then sleep to study for it lei... and this is what i get... dun understand wat the question is asking and dunno everything la... anyway, today so tired la... today got the stupid sharepoint lesson for 3 hrs again... so sian la... and need do a homepage on myself !!! haiz... so sian la... anyway today ate McDonalds for lunch... fillet-O-fish.... anyway, today played viwawa wif my polymates and I lost la !!! i need treat drink... but nvm... i have sportmenship... but i dun like the the unpleasant noise during the game... and i didn't know that my polymate also cannot stand... he even point middle finger to Amanda... so serious sia... I did not realised that my polymate is sooo angry... but anyway maybe due to tired bah... tired-ness cause short-tempered ness... ok now about yesterday... yesterday, actually wanted to go Baungkok station there makan de... but... reach there le... daniel realised that his handphone is missing... i quickly call and user busy... the answer i seriously hate to see !!! once got that answer and my handphone is lost forever... but second call an uncle answer... hope is brightening... haha... that chinese speaking Uncle is so nice la... he found it on the LRT seat... anyway he asked me to call back after his lunch... we then met at outside Mr Bean... at CP... i say i wore gray top and black shorts and him a blue tee... haha... mummy rushed to buy a cheesecake for uncle... luckily daniel found it back or else he is going to wait for another 2 long years.... hahaha... after eating KFC at CP, met weipin and we checked the cake pricing and went to meet the ppl... haha... suprised and shocked most of them were not late... and we collected money on the spot... we at last bought a strawberry shortcake and chocolate exotic... there was like 35 ppl but not all are involved with us la... some only went to send the birthday wishes onli... then we 4 buddies went 308 eat the mini-pot noodles... @_@ will update photos soon... Saturday went to NDP 2008... stay tuned... ^^ My Class photo with some ppl from 5B... ![]() ![]() that day, jol and pig not allowed in school... then next day wanna take photo with out tree... QQ tricked her this tree and she believed and took a photo... after that, QQ say lets go... she then realised she was tricked... wahaha... so funny... Saturday, July 05, 2008 @ 12:44 am
today. went to school with a nervous heart... I was not late for lesson today ok... haha... if not for the speech i bet i'm going to be late again.... anyway waited for most of my classmates to present their speech before my turn finally arrives... yesterday practised so hard for it liao... I almost sored my throat la... and today i presented the way i did yesterday... and thanks to my dear Joanna, I got a perfect ppt i wanted... thank you !!! haha... proud of you as my friend !!! today i was showing off that i have someone to help me when i needed help... and Amanda say i cheated... i was angry and thus say back in a quite loud voice :" that's not considered cheating my friend is not from our class and not doing any presentation !" haha... and after finishing my speech i realised i took exactly 5 minutes !!!! excited.. my dreamed perfect timing... anyway JoAn commented that my speech improved compared to ICA1... and really thankful to her for saying that... I felt more released.... BUT I stumbled 1 sentence la... but only one must see open... anyway today went to watch Hancock... the movie was nicer than i exepected to be... drink bubble tea in the theater.. cold la... freeze... forget bring jacket to school today... ok la shall stop here... really tired... i need sleep !!!!!! ytd slept at 2.30AM... tomolo gg NDP... haha... Friday, July 04, 2008 @ 12:24 am
very long never blog liao... haha... today meet joleyn in rivervale mall... skipped my econs project meeting... actually i am guilty la... but i very worried about my speech... so meet jol more impt... we ate minced meat noodles... anyway and bubble tea and fried wanton... ya i haven finish my cue cards jol sleepy liao... so went home lor... anyway so funny... we laugh like 2 siao de in the foodcourt... we found a picture... very funny de.. haha anyway just want update my ICA1 results... Principle Of Management: 21/30 statistics Methods: 14/20 Microeconomics: 27.5/40 Effect Oral Communication: 31/50 Accounting For Assets: 25/25 HTML: forget... project D+ so lan right... haiz... anyway, tomorrow got presentattion... scared la... OMG !!! hate it la but... Thanks to Joanna I had my ppt done !!! Thanks !!! haha ok gtg rush my econs tut... so many questions... haiz... sleep at wat time ar.... haiz... lack of sleep really!!!! |
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